Drama Club — Grades 3-8
Portsmouth Catholic Drama Club is an after-school drama club in which students rehearse and perform a scripted play. Students in Drama Club learn the basics of stagecraft, self discipline and the importance of hard work, creativity and imaginative play, listening and observation skills, and self confidence. Our students enjoy the rewards that come with working together to achieve a common goal.
Forensics — Grades 6-8
A forensic competition is a contest between individuals or teams in various argument and advocacy skills. Forensics builds speech and debate skills which help students become effective communicators, an essential skill typically required by all employers.
Major forensic debate competitions include cross examination and Lincoln-Douglas contests, extemporaneous speaking (informative and persuasive), and oral interpretation (prose and poetry). Duo interpretations, humorous interpretations and public forum debates are also common national competitions.
Running Club — Grades 1-6
The mission of the “Miles of Smiles” running club is to give students an exciting goal to work towards in addition to the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. Students in the running club will walk/run after school to accumulate milage. Beginning in October, students will have several opportunities to participate in one mile fun runs/races. The final run is the Operation Smile Final Mile. During the months of January – March students will have a goal of 25.2 miles. In March, they will complete their final mile at the Operation Smile Shamrock Final Mile held at Virginia Beach.